Focus on Reliability

Focus on Reliability | Change Management | Words of a Maintenance Guru

There once was a maintenance maintenance-pm-preventive-maintenance-People-and-Processesguru who tried to help explain the challenges of improving the performance of maintenance departments and the need for change to achieve it.

To set the scene he said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing every day and to expect different results. He had obviously seen those organizations that continue to do the same PMs each week even though they experience failures! I wonder if he saw that the backlog list was getting longer and longer even though they planned and scheduled their work only to have the schedule blown apart by breakdowns and those ‘emotional’ jobs that take precedence – just because. What about the repeat failures that we just keep repairing without figuring out why they keep happening? Insanity – well if not completely then very close to it.

Topics: Maintenance Management Leadership and Supervision

Focus on Reliability | Maintenance Planning and Scheduling | One, Both, Either

I was involved in a discussion on Linkedin recently when the question was asked It is believed that you can plan without scheduling but cannot schedule without planning – the discussion took some twists and turns until I thought I’d post my experiences with this question – this is what I wrote!

Topics: Planning and Scheduling