Focus on Reliability

8 Reasons Why Employees Don't Ask for Training

Do you find yourself wondering why your employees haven't taken the initiative and approached you for additional training? Well, they must not want the extra training, right? Wrong! Sometimes, employees do want training, but they just don't ask. Here's why:

Topics: Advanced Maintenance Management CMMS/ EAM Training Maintenance and Reliability Leadership and Supervision maintenance skills maintenance skills training Maintenance training

What Structure Works Best When it Comes to Work Management?

How many technicians per planner-scheduler? Should we focus on system ownership, or business goals? Find out this and more with our video, and register for our class here!

Topics: Planning and Scheduling Advanced Maintenance Management CMMS/ EAM Training Maintenance Planning Scheduling Maintenance and Reliability Leadership and Supervision maintenance skills maintenance skills training Maintenance training maintenance

CMMS Friend or Foe (Part 2)


We left off  the last post talking about the value of measuring PM Compliance in our CMMS. Many organizations use the +/- 10 % rule, whereby if they complete the PM within 10% of the frequency it is considered to be compliant. Now this is a good measure if you are looking to determine whether you get the PMs issued and completed on time but what else does it tell you about the PM – what does it tell you about how the PM was completed or whether we have prevented or mitigated a failure (the purpose of PMs)? The answer is – next to nothing and over the years I have seen many a PM completed from the comfort of the lunchroom and PMs that don’t really explain what it is they are there for.

Topics: Maintenance Management CMMS/ EAM

Focus on Reliability | Maintenance Backlog | The Goldilocks Principle

understanding maintenance backlog conceptsWelcome to another guest post from our friend, Trent Phillips.

Topics: Planning and Scheduling Maintenance Management CMMS/ EAM Maintenance Planning Scheduling

Focus on Reliability |Safety Work Orders | Should all have Top Priority?

establishing maintenance work order priority with safety items

We pleased this week to have a guest blogger to provide insights to the People and Processes Focus on Reliability blog.  Please welcome my good friend, Trent Phillips from Novelis.  With this post, Trent addresses a common topic that I frequently hear almost everywhere.

Topics: Planning and Scheduling Maintenance Management CMMS/ EAM Maintenance Planning Scheduling