Focus on Reliability

Digging For Gold

As an update, from time to time, I think that organizations have moved beyond the following story, only to find that not to be the case, especially in the medium-sized and smaller organizations ...

Sadly for some organizations, their maintenance and operations practices are not much different than the small bands of gold miners going for broke in the Alaskan wilderness as reflected on the television shows.  Operating on shoestring budget, they try to bootstrap their way along, experiencing increased losses from a run to failure mentality.  While run to failure can be a strategy for some equipment, it shouldn’t be for all of your assets, especially the critical ones.  Proactive organizations learned a long time ago that you can’t typically sustain your business with that approach.

Topics: Maintenance Management Training Maintenance and Reliability Reliability Centered Maintenance Maintenance training maintenance operations bestpractices

Planner Competencies

Maintenance Planners, who are tasked with improving the efficiency of the Technicians working time, are often placed in the role without the benefit of formal training and coaching.

Topics: Planning and Scheduling Maintenance Planning Scheduling maintenance planner competencies

When can a metal fastener become “plastic”?

Topics: Maintenance and Reliability maintenance skills maintenance skills training maintenance CMRT RCM3 Training technicians reliability technician maintenance technician

Is Maintenance Planning instinctive?


Topics: Planning and Scheduling Maintenance Planning Scheduling maintenance criticality efficiency job plans technicians

Who Said Change is Hard? It's Easy!

People-and-processes-change-Cliff-WilliamsRecently I was facilitating a leadership seminar with a group of maintenance and reliability leaders. Everyone had finally agreed that, to improve performance, there had to be change, because as Albert Einstein said “If you do the same things every day and expect different results then that’s the definition of insanity!’. This led us to a discussion around perhaps the most maligned and forgotten management tool available – Change Management. We had an interesting discussion that got a little heated when I suggested that Change was really easy – you simply stop doing one thing and start doing another. The group was a little puzzled as to why I would bring up the topic as being much maligned and then tell them it was easy. That was until I explained that the difficult part of Change Management is the transition of behaviours from the old way to the new way – getting the transition, and so the behaviours you want, is the challenge. I used a work order as an example of what I was saying – if the goal is to change from paper work orders to electronic work orders – the change is fairly simple – you stop using paper work orders! The transition may not be so easy – when you used paper work orders the tradespeople would give great feedback and suggestions on the work order and allowed for continuous improvement but after the change to electronic all you get is ‘complete’ on the bottom of the form. Is that the behavior that you wanted – if not – what went wrong? We talked about the many reasons why the transition didn’t turn out the way we wanted and suggested that things like aging workforce who didn’t have confidence on the computer, people not understanding the benefit of the new system or being part of the development of the new system might have come into play.

Topics: Leadership and Supervision Assessment Benchmarking Gap Analysis maintenance Change Management

Plan, Strategy or Tactic – Which Comes First?


Topics: Maintenance Management Training Maintenance Planning Scheduling Organization Reliability Centered Maintenance Leadership and Supervision maintenance skills maintenance skills training Maintenance training maintenance

5 Reasons You Should Certify Your Technicians


The CMRT Exam is the leading credentialing program for the knowledge, skills and abilities of maintenance and reliability technicians. 

Topics: Maintenance Management Training Reliability Centered Maintenance maintenance skills maintenance skills training Maintenance training maintenance CMRT

What Structure Works Best When it Comes to Work Management?

How many technicians per planner-scheduler? Should we focus on system ownership, or business goals? Find out this and more with our video, and register for our class here!

Topics: Planning and Scheduling Advanced Maintenance Management CMMS/ EAM Training Maintenance Planning Scheduling Maintenance and Reliability Leadership and Supervision maintenance skills maintenance skills training Maintenance training maintenance

Maintenance & Reliability - The Big Picture


I’ve been having interesting conversations lately via e-mails, Linkedin, assignments and also at conferences. I’d like to talk about what I’ve seen and heard specifically at a couple of conferences that I’ve spoken at recently. The conversation usually starts with some disgruntled maintenance supervisor or manager telling the people around him or her that they are just not getting the results they expected from their planning and scheduling system or their PM program really doesn’t seem to be delivering what they expected - some may even be bold enough to point the finger at the guys on the shop floor. What happens next is that they get a bunch of heads nodding and comments like ‘Yeh feel the pain and me too.’

Topics: Maintenance and Reliability Reliability Centered Maintenance maintenance